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Myt use: I upload documents, create templates, and then share those templates with my team who, ultimately, sends them out to signers for signatures.

My team has two types of signers that they send documents to: "Type A" & "Type B" signers.

I created a template for a very long and complex document, "Template 1" that both Type A & Type B signers must receive. However, in addition to Template 1, Type B signers must also receive another document which I have already created a template for: "Template 2."

Simply, Type A=1 and Type B=1+2. 

To ensure that Type B signers always receive 1 & 2, and rather than having my team individually add each of the templates to a new envelope, I was going to create a new envelope, add Template 1 & Template 2 to that envelope, and then save that envelope as a new template called, "Template 3."

My question is this: If, after creating Template 3 (which is just templates 1 & 2 side-by-side in an envelope), I were to make any changes to Template 1, would the changes be reflected everywhere that Template 1 exists? Or, would I have to edit Template 1 and then, also, edit the Template 1 that exists within Template 3, separately?

Thanks in advance for your help!



Welcome to the DocuSign Support Community!

Based on my understanding of the scenario, Template A that is being added to Template B to create Template C is no longer considered the original Template A.If you make changes to the original Template called A, it will not be reflected in the combined Template C (Template A&B together). You will have to edit both individually. 


Donna Community Moderator
