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A document was sent to Individual 1 and signed.  The document was forwarded for signature to Individual 2. What does Individual 1 see. 1. Do they know the document was forwarded? 2. Can they access the document after it was signed by Individual 2?


@mciukaj Just to make sure we have the meaning correct for “Forwarded” envelopes. 

You can take a completed envelope and forward that to another Recipient.  This creates a new envelope and that is noted in the Envelope History of the new envelope AND the envelope you forwarded.

Many individuals use “forward” as a way of describing the Recipient set to “Receives a Copy” and this type of Recipient is added to the envelope workflow and when that action takes place it send a notification to that Recipient so they can see the associated document in a state at the time it was sent to the Recipient.  It also would provide a completion notification and attachment to that Recipient when the envelope fully completes.  This lands in the Users DocuSign Inbox so they have a copy of the envelope.  The envelope history and details are available to that Recipient.

In the first scenario where the envelope is “forwarded” via the forward feature they see the new envelope history but do not see the original envelope.

In the second scenario where forwarding is a reflection of the Recipient action they see the envelope, can see the history and document and Recipients. They can see those details as long as the envelope sits in their Inbox / DocuSign Account.

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Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   

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