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What is the difference between seats and users? We pay for two users annually and my understanding is that we have therefore 200 envelopes per year (ie 100 per user). My account is telling me that we don’t have enough seats and need to purchase another one, as well as more envelopes as we’ve exceed our allowance (111). I can’t find any information on either of these things relating to my plan, other than an answer from Docusign in another question confirming I should have 200 envelopes with 2 users:




I can confirm that with a seat based plan and two users, you should have an allowance of 200 envelopes when paid annually. 

A user and a seat can be seen as the same metric, to add additional users you need to add more seats. You are able to close a user and add someone else to the same seat as long as you have free seats.

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