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Revisiting DocuSign after years of not using because it just created way more work.  I have a template that is a contract for our transport company.  I need to change some fields each time (every time we ship its a different product and dimensions).  It needs to be sent to several different clients a day.  They need to fill in some fields on there own.  I cannot figure out how to simply list them as a recipient and send the contract.  Each time I do it seems I have to "edit" the form to change the fields (awkward).  I want to just click a button, enter an e-mail, make the changes and send the document.  

I also seem to be permanently listed as a signer, if I try to take myself off as a signer I will lose all the fields associated with me and that is all of them....essentially deleting the whole document.  

Just seems way more complicated than it should be, doesn't help that I'm no technical wiz.  Any Help is appreciated. 

So first I'd recommend watching ( this video on template creation again and hopefully that will help.

Because your use case sounds fairly straightforward. You want a template with blank fields for the product and dimensions located under a CLIENT role and the client role is left blank. Then when you use the template you simply fill in which client you're sending it to and then hit send with no further modification needed.

As for the rest of it, it sounds like your fields are currently associated with whatever role you are placed in within the envelope. You can simply highlight all of those fields and transfer them to the client recipient and then delete your role without issue.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for that, I'll give it a try.  
