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We have approximately two dozen different documents of varying lengths and content that need to be signed.  All of the documents have the same signature block ("Authorized Representative"), but they appear at differnet places within the respective documents.  I know I can use a "floating signature" based off that character string of "Authorized representative", but can I set up just one template that ALL documents can use with this floating signature logic?  From what I read the "matching" feature of the template requires a match on the first/last 25 words, but in this case I don't want the template to match on anything - I just want it to take ANY document I send it, look for "Authorized Representative", and apply the signature.

I understand the inherent risk of having such a loose template protocol, but I was wondering if this was even possible.

Thanks very much!

Try using the ( Auto-place feature to find "Authorized Representative" and see how that works for you.

Hope this helps.
