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I was sent a 7 page document to sign, and was able to sign only the first page.

Now, when I try to go back into the document to sign the other pages, nothing pops up to allow me to sign.

How do I fix this so I can sign all 7 pages.


Welcome to the DocuSign Support Community.

It sounds like you should contact the Sender of those documents. They may not have placed "Tags" or "Fields" on those other pages for you to sign which is why you are only being prompted to sign the first page.


THX for the suggestion.  I note that the other 3 people who are also required to sign the document were able to sign on all 7 pages.  This suggests to me that the tags were in place.  I am wondering if I messed up when I tried to sign, and the system is now blocking me out. 



If there are other tags on the documents that are assigned to you, then DocuSign would have prompted you to sign them before you were able to Finish. The Sender could have placed tags on all of the documents for the other recipients and forgot to place your tags. That is a possibility.

When you were able to sign the one page, do you remember what step you took next?
