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Trying to create power form with templates I created and am getting the error"Cannot create powerform with this template". doesn't matter which template as I get this error with all of 6 of the ones I have. Am I missing a setting or something?

Powerforms can be particular about the setup, normally I have run into this when I have the 1st Recipient with the Name and Email address filled out in the Template. The 1st Recipient should have a Role but should not have a Name or Email address as that should be filled out by whomever is initiating the envelope from that Powerform. I suggest remove that Name and Email address from Recipient in Position 1 and try to create the Powerform again.

David, Thank you. You my friend are a genius. That worked. I was about to pull what little hair I have left out.

Best Regards
Larry Rutledge

I have gone through this small pain and glad I was able to relieve the pain.


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

I apologize for the inconvenience, I understand that you are having issues while creating a Powerform.

Thanks, David for the information, to add to the previous post here are the guides if needed for future reference: 

You can always create a case and request a screensharing session to review your current workflow if needed.

More information at How do I open a case in the DocuSign Support Center?

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Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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