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The buyers have signed, the sellers have signed. I need to send back one more time to the buyers to sign and initial. How do I resend the same envelopes and indicate the new fields that have to be signed?

The most important question is whether the envelope you want to send is Completed or still In Progress? If the envelope is Completed, then you cannot send the same envelope out for more signatures, you would have to Forward (creates a new envelope) or download the document and attach to a new envelope and Send.

If the envelope is not complete, then just Correct and add new Recipients for the appropriate actions with corresponding tags.

Thank you. I'm so afraid to lose the signatures. I tried to set it up on the original envelope to go back to the buyers for the additional fields after the sellers signed, but it gave me an out of sequence message. It is still in progress to go back to the buyers - but the additional fields to sign are not indicated.

What is your current Recipient Order? The error message was received when you tried to add a new Recipient? Seems like the simplest solution, which it sounds like you tried, is to add the Buyers as another Recipient at the end of your current order and drop new tags based on the Recipient color.

That's exactly what I did. I added the buyers back as recipients 5 and 6, and indicated the additional fields. It gave me errors until I deleted the additional fields. I did as you suggested, went into "Correct" mode, added them as recipients, indicated the signature fields and sent. Just waiting to hear back from them that it worked. My next try would be to set it to complete and insert in a new envelope. Last would be for them to print and sign, and take to the title company. lol!

Post with the end result, just want to make sure correcting worked as expected.

Thank you so much! It worked!! Off to the Title Company!

Fantastic, its always great to hear about the success stories.
