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I'm having trouble when I share a template with the signatures and text fields saving... so if one of my associates choose one of my templates and just sends it, there are no fields to fill in or places to sign???


I assumed you have added custom fields or anchor tags, there is an option when you are creating them that allow you to share this custom fields so everyone can have access to it. 

Hope this helps

How are you saving the fields and how what are their settings? Are the associated with a specific Role within your template? Has that Role had "Sender cannot edit recipient" or "Sender cannot delete recipient" modified for that role. Are the fields in question for that role also set such that the sender cannot remove them?

How are your recipients using your template? Are the deleting the recipient role you already established to place their own? This would delete the fields that you placed? Are the adding new documents and deleting the ones you added?

There are a number of ways that your senders can mess up a template when it's being used if the template isn't locked down.

Hope this helps.

Those are all good questions, of which, I cannot answer. I obviously don't know what i'm doing, because i don't know how to do half of what you are asking, lol. I have a document that requires fields to be filled in besides a signature. I made them "text" fields but when i share with my team, they can't send with those text fields still there. 

I watched the DocuSign template video, which is very good, but it doesn't address using "text" fields. I have created "text" fields where the person needs to type in info, but when we pull it up to send, those text fields are gone!

When you attempt to create an envelope from that template. You select "USE template" from either the template, Home, or Manage tab within DocuSign. Then you simply add a recipient name and email to your template role. If you delete the Role and create a new recipient then the fields saved in the template for that Role will also be deleted.

Hope this helps.

Update7/22: DocuSign University has self-paced courses to learn about templates (+PowerForms).

OK!! Now that may be helpful.... let me try that out.
