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I am a director and needing to send a docusign out to my managers for them to sign and for them to send to their team to sign. How can they forward the form without getting the completed form from the manager?

@Jpeterson - The form that the manager signs should not be visible to their team?  You can use a combination of “Specify Recipients” and “Document Visibility’ features to accomplish what you are asking, if I understand it correctly.

Correct. We did a test run where I sent the form to an employee and had them send it to their intern. The intern received the filled out version from the manager. So I was wondering if there is a way for them to all receive blank ones once their manager sends it out to them

@Jpeterson  - Are there different forms that you want the managers see and sign that you don’t want the employees to see? i.e. The managers sign their documents and send along to their employees, which in turn sign their forms but they don’t see what the manager signed?

They would all be the same form. But I need each person to fill out the form individually, but I only have emails for the managers. So if there’s a way to distribute the forms through the managers instead of bulk sending and getting everyone’s emails, that is ideal. 

@Jpeterson - You can send using a Bulk Send for the managers.   The managers role would be “Specify Recipients”.   The next recipient on the workflow is the employee with a role “Needs to sign”.    When each manager receives the envelope, they would send it to their respective employees.  (For managers with more than one employee, add the manager multiple times in your CSV, one per employee)


Thank you so much!!!!
