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Hello helpers !

When I send a document to my customers for signature, when all parties have signed,  we all receive the PDF with separately the Document  signed and the Summary.

Is there a way to always attached the Document and  Summary together (by default). Honestly it is a pain to always have to managed 2 documents . Why the Summary is not attached by default to the document ?

In cas of dispute, the signed document , without the Summary , is not very strong

thank you



@J ComCST 

The Docusign Administrator can set, if Certificate of Completion (CoC) will be attached to the completed envelope or not. Similar to configuring if the documents itself will be attached or not to the completion email. 

This can be configured in Docusign eSignature → Settings → Signing Settings → Envelope Delivery

It is not possible to send a combined document consisting of the documents and the CoC via email. In addition, if the total file size is larger than 5 MB no documents will be attached to ensure email delivery. The majority of our customers does not want any documents to be attached to emails for security reasons and only allow documents to be downloaded from the Docusign platform.

In case of a legal dispute in court, Docusign is able to provide a CoC, but most of the times this is not the reason why there is a dispute, as it is mostly about the content and how if the document has been signed.

thank you for te answer

My settings is already like this. But it is a pain to have to manage 2 docs for each envelope. On top of the this the naming of the Summary does not says anything aboiut th name of the  original document. So we have to rename it each time . 

I think it is a pity that it can not be part of the document as a whole. Any reason for that ??



@J ComCST 

You are able to download a combined version from your Docusign account, but it is not possible to change the behaviour of the email notification. An email server simply does not have the ability to combine  PDF documents and apply a Docusign seal to the combined document to prevent tampering with it.

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