HELP HELP HELP Someone please help me before I eat a whole block of chocolate.
Im a new user and docusign seems to have very basic functions missing. Forgive me if Im wrong. At the moment Im disliking docusign thats why im reaching out.
I have issued 260 agreements and managing these seems to be a challenge. Im sure there is a better way but I had to get these out urgently and it was/is what it was/is.
Sorting seems to be an issue for me. I would think all the latest completed documents sit at the top of the list on the first page (date order) but for some reason, they don’t - its random and there is no filter/sort function. The order of these agreements is erratic. Side note: I created 2 separate folders that I move the completed agreements into once I have completed the PDF and Formdata. This helps me identify the ones I have already downloaded the PDF and Formdata for. The rest sit in SENT folder on the screen until I do my thing. This seems to be the only way I can identify the unprocessed ones. I randomly get completed agreements (Agreements/completed) that just randomly pop up after searching for them in the search bar by name. Or I can hit next page x 100 times (looking for the ones that are still showing in the sent folder) They mysteriously come up either after I use the search option for an individual agreement or I redo the page by page.
Why is this happening. When I did a search, looks like this was a problem for someone 2 years ago.
Is there a hidden search/sort/filter I can use. If not why not?
Would be good to have tags. I could tag each agreement so that I could run reports that are useful.