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HELP HELP HELP Someone please help me before I eat a whole block of chocolate.  
Im a new user and docusign seems to have very basic functions missing.  Forgive me if Im wrong.  At the moment Im disliking docusign thats why im reaching out.  

I have issued 260 agreements and managing these seems to be a challenge.  Im sure there is a better way but I had to get these out urgently and it was/is what it was/is.  

Sorting seems to be an issue for me.  I would think all the latest completed documents sit at the top of the list on the first page (date order)  but for some reason, they don’t - its random and there is no filter/sort function.   The order of these agreements is erratic.  Side note:  I created 2 separate folders that I move the completed agreements into once I have completed the PDF and Formdata.   This helps me identify the ones I have already downloaded the PDF and Formdata for.  The rest sit in SENT folder on the screen until I do my thing.   This seems to be the only way I can identify the unprocessed ones.      I randomly get completed agreements (Agreements/completed) that just randomly pop up after searching for them in the search bar by name.  Or I can hit next page x 100 times (looking for the ones that are still showing in the sent folder)   They mysteriously come up either after I use the search option for an individual agreement or I redo the page by page.    

Why is this happening.  When I did a search, looks like this was a problem for someone 2 years ago.  

Is there a hidden search/sort/filter I can use.   If not why not?

Would be good to have tags.  I could tag each agreement so that I could run reports that are useful. 

Hello, ​@claudia sallustio 


Besides the Search feature in the Agreements section, You can try to run some Envelope’s Reports, they are useful for controlling their status and other types of filters.


Take a try!


I hope this helps.




@claudia sallustio 

There are no tags, that I know of, and you’ve already discovered the folder option for managing envelopes. Unfortunately there is no way to sort envelopes in the completed/sent tabs. Reports can help with this (making sure you change the default dates, etc as needed). I use the email notifications as a secondary check (I also have a spreadsheet of send/completed items to make sure I don’t miss anything).

There are a couple of entries in the “Ideas” section related to sorting options that you could upvote if you have time. Not sure if that will get ‘sorting’ implemented, but one hopes.

good luck


Thanks for your response.   I am currently using the reports.  But unfortunately the reports are not helpful when i need to find and download all of the PDF’s and formdata one by one.  I find docusign surprisingly so underdeveloped with no options to sort.  Very disappointing. 

@ Alexandre Augusto 

Thank you for your response Alexandre.  I am already using the reports and they do not solve the challenges I have processing large volumes of documents.  The reports are basic and helpful somewhat but are not the right tool for what I'm challenged with. 

I can’t be the only user that is frustrated with the limitations of Docusign.  I hope this is on your list of upgrades.     
