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Signature Workflow


I have a document signoff workflow that includes 5 people.  Docusign will be used.  The 2nd person in the workflow is looking to not sign in Docusign, perhaps a wet signature or other Digital method.  

  1.  Does Docusign allow for a person 2nd in line in workflow to apply a Digital Signature outside of DocuSign workflow, then upload document for balance of workflow to continue? For this purpose, assume the person insists on a wet signature. This person MUST be the 2nd signature so reordering workflow is not an option.


Best answer by mrave


Docusign eSignature has a “print an sign” option, when enabled in the sender account, this allows the recipient to print the document, wet-sign it and upload it again to the signature workflow. The uploaded copy will become an attachment of the contract, which will be signed by everyone else in the signature workflow.

You cannot apply a digital signature outside of the Docusign eSignature workflow. There are various options on how to get certificate-based signatures via Docusign directly or in combination with a TSP, if that is what you are looking for. However, this needs to be configured by the sender and is not a choice of the recipient.

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Docusign Employee
  • Docusign Employee
  • 929 replies
  • Answer
  • January 30, 2025


Docusign eSignature has a “print an sign” option, when enabled in the sender account, this allows the recipient to print the document, wet-sign it and upload it again to the signature workflow. The uploaded copy will become an attachment of the contract, which will be signed by everyone else in the signature workflow.

You cannot apply a digital signature outside of the Docusign eSignature workflow. There are various options on how to get certificate-based signatures via Docusign directly or in combination with a TSP, if that is what you are looking for. However, this needs to be configured by the sender and is not a choice of the recipient.

  • Docusign Employee
  • 5 replies
  • January 30, 2025

Good Day!

Thank you for posting your question. It is possible to allow recipients to sign on paper. Ensure that when the envelope is sent, in Advanced Options, the checkbox for “Recipients can sign on paper” is enabled. When the 2nd recipient opens the envelope, they can click the dropdown arrow next to Finish and select “Print & Sign.” They can follow the directions to print, sign, and upload the signed document, then click Finish. The envelope will then proceed to the next person in the workflow.

I hope this is helpful!



Thank you for the feedback. 

One variation to original inquiry based on Michael’s comment...You cannot apply a digital signature outside of the Docusign eSignature workflow. If the 2nd person in the Docusign workflow wants to apply their own, personal esignature, confirm that they can do provided they create their Custon Signature in Docusign in advance.
