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Our documents have required fields to be filled out by the signer. For each document, we ensure the “Required” checkbox is checked for each field (assuming the signer cannot finish the document until those fields are completed), but only about 50% of signers complete them. Why is the software not requiring those fields to be completed? 

We “Add text” to each field to suggest what to include in those boxes. Could that text be appeasing the required step? 

We’ve searched support documents and we are completing the required fields as suggested, but still it doesn’t work.  

@jasonzumberge  - 

If the "Required" fields in your DocuSign Envelopes are not being enforced as expected, there are a few reasons why signers might be able to complete an envelope without filling them out. Here are some common issues and troubleshooting steps:

  1. Field Settings:

    • Double-check that each field is correctly marked as "Required." Sometimes, fields might look required in the preview, but the setting might not be properly applied.
  2. Text Placeholder:

    • The text you add as a suggestion ("Add text") should not impact the required step. However, ensure that this text is set as a placeholder and not as pre-filled content. Pre-filled text can sometimes be mistaken as completed input by the system.
  3. Field Alignment and Positioning:

    • Ensure that the required fields are correctly aligned and positioned. Sometimes, fields can overlap or be placed outside the visible area for the signer, causing them to be missed.
  4. Signer Role and Assignment:

    • Verify that the fields are assigned to the correct signer role. If a field is not assigned to the appropriate signer, it won't be required for them.
  5. Conditional Logic:

    • If you are using conditional logic (e.g., some fields are only required based on the input in other fields), ensure that the conditions are correctly configured.
  6. Browser or Device Issues:

    • Check if the issue is consistent across different browsers or devices. Sometimes, browser-specific issues can affect the signing experience.
  7. Testing and Debugging:

    • Create a test envelope with minimal fields to isolate the issue. Make sure only the essential required fields are present and test with a different user account.

To help you further, you might want to provide a specific example or screenshot of how the required fields are set up. 

If you pre-fill them by “adding text”, they are not empty anymore and considered filled out and valid to proceed.

You could add the text into the tooltip instead of the actual text field to enforce the signers to type in a value and not being able to complete without doing so.

Hello @jasonzumberge ,

If you found the provided response to be a useful solution to your question, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find.

Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!


I have the same problem (just posted a question and then saw this thread). My problem is my plan is two signings per month. Is there a way to test a simple form without using a paid signing? 

Thank you    
