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Have 1000s of envelopes, need to extract all that data into a spreadsheet.

@ckispert You can with the base DocuSign account, export each Envelope individually via the Export to CSV or Download CSV from within Form Data. Export to CSV is high level Envelope data where Download CSV is Envelope field data.

There are also options to use the DocuSign API to create your own export utility or the option to purchase the DocuSign Retrieve that is the applications that can connect to your account and export more envelope data in mass.  See link for the DocuSign Retrieve. 

Hi @ckispert !

There are a few ways you can do this, including integrations (API call or Connect), additional software from DocuSign called Retrieve (which may have an additional cost), directly reports or getting the Form Data for envelopes.
If you used Custom Fields in your envelopes, one of the simplest ways would be to use the report called Envelope Report, including an additional column called Envelope Custom Field. From this column, you will be able to bring envelope custom field information to the envelope.

There is another option by downloading a CSV file containing rows for each field in the documents, with the envelope ID, the recipient name and email, and the field name and any entered value. To download it, select the envelope > Menu > Form Data. Please, check this article for more information: Download Form Data


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Hello @ckispert ,

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Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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