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Is there any way you can get the signature back from being signed without the docusign box around it?

Welcome to the community, 

Yes, this is possible. However, Only an account admin can request that this feature be disabled/enabled. Please work with the admin on your account and ( Support to enable on your account, by requesting the "Chromed Signatures and Initials" feature. 

Once enabled, an admin can toggle the "box" on and off in


  • Once you sign into your account, you'll click on the Settings tab at the top of the page >> Signing Settings >> Add/Do Not Add DocuSign Frame (scroll down the page to find.)


Please note that the signature chrome is made up of the extra DocuSign elements that frame the signature and initials script. These elements make it easy to recognize the signature as a DocuSign signature and are the mark of the secure signing event. The long number below your signature is your unique membership ID in the DocuSign account.

So why would you want to turn it off? While the chrome-less signatures are no less secure, your document recipients may not need the enhanced signature to accept the digital signatures and may be happier and less confused with just a standard signature script.

Note: DocuSign does not recommend turning off the signature chrome.

Happy DocuSigning


Eliminating Docusign stamp

I want to electronically sign a letter that I will mail merge with another program.  Is there a way to get rid of the docusign stamp around the signature?

Welcome to the Community, I have merged you post with a previously answered discussion. Please view the steps in the comment above to remove the stamp.Happy DocuSigning.


I can't find where to remove the DocuSign frame.  The  Admin Beta >> Signing Settings  >> Document Formatting >>   Add/Do Not Add DocuSign Frame  does not exist on my account.

I'm on the API demo server (I'm a developer building a workflow on top of DocuSign) and this radio button as well as many other options in the console are greyed out. Are these options not available on the demo server?
