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We were a little concerned about an incident that happened to one of our users who had sent out an Envelope and the person signed it (they were the only one who had to sign it).  Then at 1:30 in the morning the person who had just signed it received a reminder to sign the Envelope.  We were a little concerned that this may be spam since it had been signed and they received a reminder.  The “reminder” does appear to have a correct docusign email address and it does have an incident code and the links all go to docusign’s website..  Is this normal for this to happen after an Envelope had been signed?  We have auto reminders set to every 20 days.  

@schwartzie I have seen delayed email notifications possible during outages or even backed up internal email servers.  I would recommend first to review the Envelope History to look for anything out of place. Then perhaps get a screenshot of the “reminder” to make sure it was a “reminder” and not some other form of notification such as a completion, re-assignment or other. It would not be normal to get a reminder notification if you had already taken action and the action was not redirected back to that Recipient later in the envelope.  If all signs point to something odd then I would suggest opening a DocuSign case with the Envelope ID and full description of the issue with Reminder screenshot to have them review.

Hello @schwartzie ,

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Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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