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I am trying to build regex to allow only the following type of string: 9 digits followed by 2 letters followed by 4digits.

I came up with ^(^0-9]{9})()A-Z]{2})()0-9]{4})$

but DocuSign doesn’t like it and an error message pops up: Save Error Some fields might be out of sync. The regular expression provided is not valid. 


other types I have tried and failed:  

^(\d{9}\d((A-Z]{2})\d{4})$  - also failed 


^(>0-9]{9})((\s)(9a-zA-Z]{2})((\s)(Z0-9]{4})?$ (so this would mean there would be spaces in between numbers and letters


I think maybe something is not correct around letter validation?


Hello, @AgaB 


Welcome to the Docusign Community!


Have you tried to find an ready to go REGEX mask in the Regex Library site?


Perhaps, you will find one doing what you want or at least, give ideas to do it.




Thanks @Alexandre.Augusto - I used similar sites to create regex pattern with letters. 

I will check out the one you recommended - Thanks,

Docusign has some good examples how to create numbers validations but sadly not letters 


@AgaB - 

Your regular expression is almost correct, but there's a small mistake in it. Instead of using (\s) to match spaces between digits and letters, you should use \s* to match zero or more spaces. Also, you can simplify it a bit. Here's the corrected version:



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In this expression:

  • ^ asserts the start of the string.
  • (e0-9]{9}) matches exactly 9 digits.
  • \s* matches zero or more spaces.
  • (eA-Za-z]{2}) matches exactly 2 letters, either uppercase or lowercase.
  • \s* matches zero or more spaces.
  • (e0-9]{4}) matches exactly 4 digits.
  • $ asserts the end of the string.

This should match the pattern you described: 9 digits followed by 2 letters followed by 4 digits, with optional spaces in between.

@JohnSantos  - thanks so much for your feedback!

it works perfectly - I just completed couple of tests, and all works as expected. 


