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I have receive an email saying:

“You are receiving this notification because (“MY COMPANY”) Onboarding Team has a document retention policy. Your signed documents for 'Please DocuSign: New Hire Paperwork (FILL OUT) Updated.pdf, Finance Data Sheet.pdf, Foreign Cor...' will be removed from DocuSign.

Is this DocuSign doings or did my company removed this? Curious if my company did this or something else? Any help would help. 


Thank you. 


This email is related to a retention policy being set up on the DocuSign account the envelope was sent from to notify the recipient that the document will be purged from DocuSign.

You can find additional details in this DocuSign Support Article on Purge Notifications.

Oh thanks mrave, Appreciate your reply. 


So need to clarify again, my company did NOT delete that from there records and it was Docusign? 

Hi, Sir

DocuSign neves deletes envelopes from their customers without an authorization, that said, it’s very possible that company (I think your company or the company who sent to you such envelope) has activated a policy to delete completed envelopes, in general, for compliance reasons. 

Some companies cannot leave documents in the cloud forever, they need to delete. DocuSign eSignature has an option to the Admin of the account activates for Retention Policy.

This articles describes what is a Retention Policy and how to configure.


I hope that helps, if so, I’d appreciate if you mark this as “Best Answer”.


Thank you,


Answering your last question:

First thing you need to check with you eSignature Admin is: Was the Retention Policy activated?

If such email you get has come from another company that means such company activated their Retention Policy.

Once again, DocuSign does NOT delete customer’s envelopes.



So need to clarify again, my company did NOT delete that from there records and it was Docusign? 

No, it was not deleted by DocuSign. The retention policy was set up by the company of the sending user. In case the origin of the envelope was internal, this was set up by your own company. If you received this envelope from externally, that external company had set up the retention policy in DocuSign eSignature.

Hi @Texan0331,


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Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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