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Quick question – looking at the documents, it looks like DocuSign added some text that overlaps with the other signatures (example below). Would we be able to get the signed documents without this text?


Are you meaning the text around the signature that is DocuSign by and the unique ID number?

Check you Admin > Settings

Screenshot 2020-06-17 at 16.07.30



​   YES

If you go into the Admin > Signing Settings and make the amendments to remove the frame.

If you cannot see this option then you will need to ask DocuSign Support to switch the feature on so you can make the change.


where is that located

In Admin then Signing Settings. If it is not there then DocuSign will need to add it for you.


​  Yes, I will need it added - I can not locate it.

You will need to contact DocuSign Support and get them to add it the community forum cannot do this for you,
