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Good Afternoon,

 I have sent an envelop to a client for signature. When they click on the view document, DocuSign is requiring them to login with a password.  They try to reset the password and are unable to do so.  They have signed documents via DocuSign before for other companys and have not had this issue.  Does anyone know of anyways to make it so they are able to simply sign the document? There is no special password requred from my end when sending the envelope.  Thank you.

I am re-posting my answer as it may have gotten lost with the Community change-over.

This issue stems from an Account Setting. Each Account has Security Settings that relate to Login Requirements, with four options as seen below:

Login Requirements

Not Required to Login

Login Required if Signer Has an Account

Account Required – Login Once Per Session

Account Required – Login for Each New Envelope

If these requirements changed for the Recipients Users Account it would explain why they might have to login now to sign a document. They should start by talking to their DocuSign Account Administrator to get the password reset. Then they could verify with the same Admin what the Account Security Settings are currently.

I want to turn off the password requirement for my tenant to open a document.  I have been told to open “Settings” at the top of the login page (I don't’ have a “Settings” option) and then go to Security Settings to disable the recipient authentication for this account.  How do I get to this point if I don’t have a settings tab available?


Hello Brenan,

You should reach out  to the DocuSign Admin in your organisation.
