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All of my notification settings are ON.  I have a document out for review/signature, and low and behold everyone has signed, but I only received one email notification that 1 party has “viewed” only.  I kept scratching my head why I wasn’t receiving multiple “has viewed” and “has signed” notifications.  Nothing in spam.  What might be wrong here please?  


Thank you hive.  

@marigoldey Per the Trust Status page there are reported delays in the email delivery for a variety of Instances.

any idea if these types of email delivery delays are common?  just now onboarding a trial account and this is EXTREMELY annoying and not setting a good “first impression.”  

not getting “signing complete” delivery either.  my document is done, but would never know it from notifications.  

@marigoldey Extremely rare in the time that I have used DocuSign, DocuSign has a uptime in the 99%. 

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