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I have a document that will go to multiple recipients however only one of those recipients need to sign and once they do I want the envelope to show complete. Is there a way I can do this? 

Simply mark all the other recipients as ( CC recipients . They will receive the envelope as well but won't have to sign anything. If you only want them to get a notification for the completed envelope, rather than one that it's gone for signature and another when completed, make sure that all your CC recipients are a( higher signing order than your signing recipient.

Hope this helps.

I have this same issue. I'd like to be able to send it to 3 people and have any of them be able to sign it. I only require one signature from one of them and I don't care which. I think this is slightly different than just cc'ing. Thanks for the help! 

I ended up finding a solution in Signing Groups, which can be configured in admin. I'm not sure if there's any other way and I don't know of a way to make signing groups on the fly without having to go into admin so I was hoping to see if there were any other options but as of right now signing groups accomplish what you're looking for.

Okay, That's( Signing Groups . You establish a list of users in the group. You send to the group. They all receive it but only one of them has to sign. The one who signed is the only one of the signing group who shows as completed it and the only one who gets the completed notification.

Hope this helps.

Thanks so much!
