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Hi Team, 

Have referred to the following bundleId=pik1583277475390&topicId=srv1583277356044.html&_LANG=enus

in an to attempt to Lock the recipient name in some templates I hold, however cannot see any option to Limit this?
Could you assist with further steps on how to have this enabled? 


I can get as far as Settings -> Signing Settings ->


However, cannot see the following options: Signature Adoption Configuration -> Lock Recipient Name


I am an admin on our Docusign account too. 



Hi @Greg.Sutton 

The the ability to Lock a Recipient name is an account wide setting. This means that you don’t have the ability to set it per envelope or template. Enabling this feature means it will impact all new envelopes. 


With regards to accessing the feature, you need to head to  Settings > Signing Settings. Under the heading Signature (see screenshot) you need to click on the link in order to access Lock Recipient Name.



If you are unable to see the feature in your Docusign eSignature account, you need to raise a ticket with Docusign Support and request to enable that feature on your account.

Hello @Greg.Sutton ,

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Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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