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Hi, I have had issues sending documents to be signed to signatories that are not based in the UK, whereas my colleagues can perform the same task without any issues. Its a PDF attachment and the email address is correct. Is there an update that you need to do? I am using the desktop version.

Hi @Taj !
If your colleagues and you are sending envelopes using the same account, this problem shouldn't happen to you! It's difficult to say what might be going on, as there are many factors, including problems on the recipients' side.
What exactly would be the problem that is occurring?

Hi Vinicius,

The problem is that when my colleague attempts to sign the document it does not show his preloaded signature. Below are comments from my colleague 

‘‘I’m not sure if it is a different version of DocuSign you are using, but the problem persists (I cannot retrieve my signature… When I click “signature” it automatically displays a “computerized” signature stating “Miguel”)’’


‘‘I use DocuSign very often and I’m always able to retrieve my Ialready uploaded into DocuSign] hand-written signature. But not on these 2 cases’’

this second time, when I opened up the DocuSign link it automatically recognized my “hand-written” signature; are you and Taj using the same version?)

Could the way we upload a file be effecting this?

Hi @Taj !
OK, I think I got it!

First, the online platform DocuSign does not have “versions”, so you don’t need to worry about it. 🙂

What I think is happening here is that the combination (name+email) you and your colleague are using for this same recipient is different. In short, DocuSign allows a user to have more than one account for the exact same e-mail address, and also, for each account, you can have more than 1 different combination Name+Email. In other words, supposing this recipient has a signature with the name “Vinicius ABC DSU”, and you send a new envelope with the name “Vinicius DSU”, DocuSign could ask this recipient apply a new signature for this new combination (name+email). Let me show you a simple example:

So, supposing you’re sending an envelope to me, depending the combination (name+email) you send, I can have three different types of signature.


To “solve” it, one of the things you can use is the eSignature Contacts, so you and your colleague can share the same contact (with the same combination). Check this article for more information: Manage Contacts

The other possibility is guide your recipient to click in their signature and click on Change. He’ll be able to change the signature style.


Hi @Taj,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you were able to solve your issue by utilizing the solution that was suggested? 


If so, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find


Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!   


Hi Alejandro,


Apologies for the late reply. 

Thank you very much. This was exactly what the problem was. I wasnt using the correct Name 

All sorted now.

Hi Alejandro,


Apologies for the late reply. 

Thank you very much. This was exactly what the problem was. I wasnt using the correct Name 

All sorted now.


Hi @Taj !

I'm glad we were able to help you! Could you mark my last answer as "Select as Best", so other people with a similar question will be able to find my answer. Thanks!
