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when dropping a legal format document into a new envelop it opens horizontally

@angremax - You can change that.   Go to the Add Fields area on your envelope.   Find the Document on the left column and rotate your document.  


Thank you for this.


But I have 57 pages that are all showing horizontally in my there a way to have them all in one shot rotated vertically? Right now i can do one page at the time.

What would be even better is when dropping my PDF which is in the right legal format...For Docusign to open it in the right format also and not horizontally….


Anyway for this to happen?


Thanks in advance

@angremax  - Are these PDF files?  When you open them in Adobe, are they opening in the correct orientation?  

Yes these are PDF files which are in the correct orientation when open.


Only once you drag and drop do they change.


I have attached the PDF

Hi @angremax,


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Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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