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I’ve sent 23 envelopes that show have been sent.  The “Receives a copy” recipients have not received, including myself.  When searching related topics on same issue receive an error message from the support link.  I noticed there are other users experiencing the same in the last month.

 Appreciate any insight on resolution. Thank you 

@C Wells 

There was an issue a few weeks ago but I believe those have been resolved.  One reason you might not have received a copy could be because of a Signing Order.  What is your recipient's workflow structure?

Hi - Thanks for the quick reply.    Not sure what meant by workflow structure.  All envelopes have the same signing order as below.  Below is how was instructed to set up.  However, when previous person sent envelopes all   received the initial email.  So, I’m assuming the order is incorrect - 



@C Wells 

Not clear from the screenshot if there is a signing order enabled.  When you click on Signing Order what do you see?  From what I can see from your image, as soon as the second signers completes the envelope, everyone after that will receive a copy of the completed envelope. 

You’re correct signing order was enabled.  How would I remove the signing order from the “Receives a Copy” recipients and resend to only them - Thanks 

@C Wells

You could correct the envelope.  But if you are looking to send a reminder to the signer, when you resend the envelope, only the next in line to sign will receive a reminder. 

To remove the signing order, you would simply Uncheck the Signing order checkbox.


Thanks - as you can see, I’m new to DocuSign. Are there instructions you can point me to or could you provide how to correct the envelope - and remove signing order from the “receives a copy recipients.  Once I open the envelope/select correct - then what -  I tried to simply clear out the # for the cc: but received an error - yikes!

@C Wells 

Yes, you can follow these steps to correct the envelope. Correct an Envelope (   When you are in Correct mode, you can uncheck the envelope signing order and click next and send. 

Thank you much appreciate your assistance

Hi @C Wells,


I hope you are doing well.


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Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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