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Hi Community

Is there a way to add a formula to text box? As an example 

The signed date + 1 year = automatic comment in a text box

Any help would be appreciated.


Luke C

@Luke Crnjac

No, you cannot add a formula to a text field. It only works with the formula field.

It is possible to achieve what you want by leveraging Conditional Fields in DocuSign eSignature and conditionally show the text field, when the formula field is true.

  1. Add your text field and pre-fill the text “Automatic” and make it read-only
  2. Create a formula field to check “Signed Date + 1 Year”
  3. Add an IF function to the formula, so the value is 1 is when true and 0 if not
  4. Apply conditional logic to show the text field when the value equals 1

DocuSign Support Article on the If function in the formula field:

DocuSign Support Article on calculating dates in the formula field:

DocuSign Support Article on Conditional Fields: 

Hi @Luke Crnjac,


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Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Hello @YARDPRO , 


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.


I apologize for the inconvenience, you can use multiple formula fields within a formula, can you provide more information about what you are encountering?


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.
