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I have 2 dropdowns.

I want a text box to show a different output based on what the requestor chooses in the 2 dropdowns.

Say the requestor chooses CITIBANK in dropdown 1, and EURO in dropdown 2

I want the text box to say “CITIBANK EUR BANK DETAILS ARE 123546456”

In Excel, it would be something like “If(AND(A1=”CITIBANK, B1=”EUR”),<details>,0)

I can’t seem to figure out the logic required to do this using the DocuSign conditional fields and formula fields. Any help would be appreciated, thanks

Hello, @rhealy 


Welcome to the Docusign Community!


Using two dropdown boxes at same time as you would like, will not work to hide/show a specific text field.


I think a workaround could be this one that I tested:

  • Create a checkbox with the possible options to be selected by the signer
  • In each individual checkbox add a text option combining Citibank and the currency
  • Make the the Checkbox grous validates at least one required option
  • Create a conditional rule for each checkbox option to show a specific text field
  • Create the correspondent text fields that matches the combination chosen by the signer

See this example:


Perhaps this workaround will solve your question. 


I hope that helps!



Hi Alexandre, 


Thanks for your reply. That makes sense and should work as a solution. 


Thanks again


Hello @rhealy ,

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Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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