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IDR Zone Setup

  • August 21, 2018
  • 1 reply


Does anyone have a good document that explains the IDR Zone in Template setup?  I'm trying to use it but with little success.  I used a Word document (named PSA) to create a template.  The PSA Word document has a footer in it with the document name, which is static.  On the PSA template, I used the IDR zone to select this footer information for matching.  To test this, I go to send an envelope and add documents to the envelope.  I upload the same PSA Word document I used to create the PSA template.  With the IDR zone set on the footer document name, I don't get any matches.  If I remove the IDR zone ompletely (so that matching defaults to the first 25 words and last 25 words) and upload the same PSA Word document again, I get the matching templates selection screen.  I've tried putting the IDR zone on other parts of the template, again do send an envelope and upload that same PSA Word document, and it fails to match a template.  The only time it works is when there's no IDR zone.  Is there some other setting I need to remove?  If you have the IDR Zone set, does it still also use the default first 25 and last 25 words to match?  I've tried many configurations and am stumped.  Any insight or documentation would be appreciated!

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Hi , 

Welcome to the DocuSign Support Community!


You may find this guide ( Set Template Matching Behavior helpful.

Donna Community Moderator

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Hi , 

Welcome to the DocuSign Support Community!


You may find this guide ( Set Template Matching Behavior helpful.

Donna Community Moderator