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I signed and returned (I think) a document to the sender. How do I know it was sent back to the sender?

An envelope completes once all action has been taken in regards to the Workflow associated to the envelope. As a Sender you can track that activity but as a Signer the only indication that the envelope is complete is the Completed Envelope email notification. (outside of calling the Sender to get a status). Therefore, your envelope may be still progress if it requires more signatures but you will get a notification once the envelope is completed.

I am the only person who needed to sign the document sent to me by Brinks. Per DucuSign "Record Tracking" the timestamp shows that I signed it 12/13/2018 at 1:14PM. My problem is I have not received any email notifying me that it was sent. Trying to get someone from Brinks on the phone is a real run-around and frustrating and they have a time limit on me sending the DocuSign document back to them. I need to verify that my signed document was sent to Brinks by DocuSign. Thanks very much for your really great response and your assistance!

How do you know you were the only Signer? It could possibly be routed for additional Brinks signatures for further approval. In that case you would not have received any completed email until the entire process has completed. Because you haven't seen a final document, to me that suggests you still have time to see if Brinks can void the envelope.

Brinks sent an email to me stating that upon receipt of my signed document from DocuSign that they would start the cancelation of my contract with them.

I have yet to see any email or notice from DocuSign or Brinks that my document was sent to and was received by Brinks.

Sorry for bothering you so much about this but this is very important – and Brinks and all other security companies play any game they can to keep you under contract. And timeliness is a crucial element.

Your representation of DocuSign is superb!

Charles Hawkins

Right, but my assumption is they take your document and the corresponding envelope and get Internal Brinks signatures to complete the envelope. So for MSU we send out envelopes to an external contractor who signs but then the envelope routes internally for additional signatures. The envelope isn't complete until ALL Signatures are completed. Once all actions are complete a final DocuSign email notification is sent. So I am still under the assumption the process/envelope is in progress.

I am retired military and also retired professional IT person. You are totally exceptional with your assistance to me. I will stand-down and be patient and wait for the process to complete. Kudos to you! 

I have had the pleasure of doing Technical Support for most of my life, and I really enjoy the DocuSign application so it is easy to help with a product that you enjoy using. Please post the end resut, as I always hope for a successful outcome. Also I am grateful to you for your military service.

I will follow through.

And thanks you very much for your comments!

Charles Hawkins
