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I set up location for signature and only half the signature is showing on the page. How do I fix?

Have you tested this just when using a blank word document uploaded to a new envelope? Curious if it could be the document resolution or possible overlap with a hidden or fillable field. Try a blank PDF or Word document with just the word "test" or something, then see if the Signature block shows appropriately. If so then it points to something in the document or maybe field placement. Signature fields can be resized but typically they are defaulted to 100% to start, but it's something to check.

thank​s for responding.  I believe I set up the field location too far to the left.  I'm guessing I can't move the signature once it is in place on the PDF(?)

If the document was signed there is no way to move the Signature, its part of the Tamper Proof PDF now....the option is to Void and Resend a new envelope. I believe the certificate associated to the completed envelope would show the full signature block though if that is any consolation. I had this very similar tag placement issue with the "Date Signed" field due to the Timestamp....placing it too close to other fields or close to the document edge causes truncation.

thanks for your help
