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I need to e-sign a doc and then send in P7M format. Is this possible? Thanks Community!


Are you referring to email encryption P7M?

So far as I know, DocuSign doesn't have a P7M support. However, I'm curious what you're trying to achieve by using P7M.

Is this an industry requirement? If not, what's the motivation for using it?

I'm happy to help once I know more.

Take care,


I need to register for a SPID in Italy. This is an official ID recognition service which will allow me to e-sign documents as per Italian authentication requirement. Thanks

Got it.

You'll want to use the DocuSign Digital Certificates feature. You can read about it here:

Be sure to contact DocuSign to ensure your account is configured for this.

I hope that helps.

Good luck,



thanks Arash. Very helpful and much appreciated!

Glad I could help! 😃

Good luck!



Reading your thread with interest as we are experiencing a similar issue that the Italian Government requires a .p7m format. Unfortunately, we don't have any supporting tools for this type of encrypted signature.

Were you able to generate a .p7m format through DocuSign and was it accepted?

