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Many of my signatories are signing on the fly when traveling. Having to key titles, names, etc. each time from a phone is a pain. Can you save or pre-populate that information so the don't have to fill in the blanks each time?

Templates can be used for that specific purpose. Create a Template, drop whatever tags such as Text, add text to those fields (pre-fill for the client). You can even set the Recipient to the same email address, name. Save. When you go to Send an Envelope, instead choose Use Template or you can apply the Template after adding the document. (Template acts as an overlay). You can also leave the text boxes blank and then fill in that detail for the Recipient when you Send. Templates are a DocuSign feature so you may need to have a specific DocuSign plan and a specific set of permissions. So check with your DocuSign Admin for these details.

Great, thanks for your feedback. I appreciate it.
