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@Vinicius.Rodrigues Can you help me on this?
I have send a document using docusign from a salesforce. after signing the document the docusign status not completd in Salesforce. why is there any spicfic reason? can send a document on this.


Hi @Ankit !
Sorry for delay, I was on PTO last Friday.


This is a little more complex to help you by Community since there are many different possibilities and customer support troubleshooting is required.

  • One of the first things I would try to check is the status of this message in DocuSign eSignature Connect - if you are using this method to sync both products (it’s also a legacy method). I’d try to check the status of this envelope specifically, so we’ll know if DocuSign has provided the correct information to Salesforce.
  • However, if you’re using some of our new versions, like DocGen by SF or DocuSign Apps Launcher (DAL), the connecting between both services is a little different, but you can still check by accessing Settings > Connect > Failures too. 
  • Another troubleshooting is to try to understand if this error happens only with this envelope or if all other envelopes are impacted by the same non-expected behavior. If this is happening with a few envelopes, maybe the workflow created by this use case is not correctly set.
  • My last first try would be checked in the DocuSign Manage tab if this envelope was not (automatically duplicated). It’s not rare some wrong SF custom buttons create two or more envelopes, and this causes a little confusion in the application.

If you have already checked all of this points above, or perhaps you haven’t been able to find the publishing status of this envelope directly in DocuSign Connect, I’d recommend that you get the envelopeID for this specific transaction and open a ticket with the customer support team. They have a specific team to work on SalesForce troubleshooting.

Hello @Ankit ,

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Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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Hi @Ankit , You might need to check if the user who sent the envelope from Salesforce is still active. I am currently having the issue where the status is not updated and documents not written back to Salesforce when employees leave and their envelopes are signed after their user is deactivated.
Hope it helps!
