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Is there a way to see the formula work in real time as you’re filling out an envelope. We can see the numbers going in, but not the numbers in the formula. There’s got to be a way, right?

@Keith Ray Not sure I understand the request. Lets say you have a Formula field that is adding two other Text boxes, text boxA and Text box B, with number validations.  The Formula would show the final value of the added fields but it would not show the “Text box A value + Text box B value = Final Value”.  Were you looking for that fully flushed out to show what is being added?

Just looking for the final answer. Do the text boxes all need number validations to make that happen? 


...I checked. They are all validated.

@Keith Ray In my experience when I review the Formulas from a Sender perspective, basically pre-filling the fields before sending, the Formula value does not display nor does it display in Preview. but if I send the envelope to myself for testing purposes then the Formulas display as the associated fields are filled out.

I did find the following in a DocuSign article “

“Add any other fields as desired to your document and send as usual. When your recipient opens and completes the fields used to calculate the Formula field, the field populates with the result.”

This suggests to me that Formulas will not display until the envelope is sent and the corresponding fields inside the formula are filled in.

That’s the thing. My admin is filling out the form for the salesperson to sign. My admin is the one who needs to validate the numbers are correct before it gets sent to the salesperson. If the formula is setup in the template, and my admin is filling out that template, I don’t understand why we wouldn’t be able to see (or at least have the option to see) the formula box as the boxes for any of the formulas are filled out.

@Keith Ray I am in agreement that the pre-fill should show the result in the formula or in the Preview before Sending the envelope. Unfortunately that is the current state that the formula will only show the result to the Recipient when it has been sent to them to fill out the fields associated to the formula. The best solution I can offer is to have the Admin send the envelope to themselves even if they are pre-filling the envelope, so that way they get a Recipient notification, go into the envelope and accept the data entered to move the envelope to the next Recipient.
