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Sorry if this is an easy answer. I am just new to Docusign. My company uses Adobe Sign currently and the only reason we are thinking of switching is because Docusign can integrate with In AdobeSign it lets me create what they call “Web forms” were you can create a contract for someone to sign and have a link to add to your website or just email people the link to the contract. Is there something the same in docusign? We just have adopters sign our contract that way instead of having to manually send to them each time they just go on our website and click the link

@allleyyy DocuSign has a feature called “Powerforms” which is basically on online Template which allows you to email a link or add the link to a webpage.  This Powerform link initiates an envelope and the subsequent signing or workflow process.  Here is a link to general Powerform information and there is more information on the DocuSign Support website if you search for keyword Powerform.

Awesome thank you!

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