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I’m trying to make a template where I send the envelope to the client, and sometimes the client needs an additional contractor/client/boss to sign the document as well. I do not know who the extra contractor would be. Ideally, the client could optionally click a checkbox and then specify who to further send the document to (and the contractor would fill out their section) before returning it to me. If the checkbox is unchecked then the document would return to me like normal (with the contractor’s area blank).


The main challenge I’m currently facing is that I don’t know who the optional contractor is. Is this idea/flow possible?


The feature of an optional signer in DocuSign eSignature is on the roadmap, but not available at this point in time.

Therefore, you need to know the number of signers to set up the signature workflow. You can leave a recipient placeholder open when you add a “Specify Recipients” role to the signature workflow.

If the contractor contact you send it to does not need to sign, they can change the signing responsibility and reassign the envelope to someone else for signature.

Hello @newton76 ,

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