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Hello Folks,


I'm routing bulk contracts (more than 30-40) in a single envelope and would like to know, if there is any way that can allow signer, just to sign on one and it will be captured by rest contracts in the envelope.

I would appreciate your response, thanks.

Best regards,


This is not possible today. Signers need to click on each required signature block that is assigned for their signer role. Customers have used a workaround such as having a cover sheet listing all the envelope’s agreements and a single signature block with some text saying something along the lines of “By singing here, eName] certifies that all X agreements in this envelope….”

Thank you, Jeff!


Appreciate your quick and answer to to my question. 


Hello @Amol Lokhande ,

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Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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