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I’m logged in, am constantly prompted to buy something.

I thought I could REVIEW ALL Docusign DOCUMENTS I signed here.

It says “30 Days Left” -- am I going to be charged for trying to view docs signed?

WHY is EVERYTHING so hard?

I can’t even determine what category to use.



Do you have the email notification for the document you signed? You should be able to use that to get to the document.

You may want to download a copy of the document - to avoid this hassle in the future :-)

good luck


@mr1 Thanks.

I’m currently researching this esign scam as DocuSign allows its corporate customers to forge allegedly esigned documents with impunity.

Obviously, you don’t get an email verification for forged contracts.  Nor do most consumers have access to emails decades after purchasing real estate or obtaining financing.

Docusigners “should” be able to EASILY review all the docs they actually signed.  We are not computers, we are living beings and we forget.  

Apparently, our legislators don’t know that and I’m going to have bring to their attention that nobody should have to wonder whether their elderly parent doesn’t remember signing an addendum significantly changing the terms of the contract.  Not to mention that we DIE and our estates have no way of knowing whether esigned docs are legit.

I submitted a likely forged addendum to Docusign Security in July and to date it refuses to examine the document, sending me links requiring accounts (paid?). I’ve wasted so many hours!!!

Hopefully the FBI will eventually investigate this FRAUD.  Will they have to open a Docusign account?

Profits from the criminals using this service are clearly much more important to DocuSign than the integrity of electronic signatures.

