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I have two required text boxes, student1 name and student1 grade.

For the times when there is more than one student, I have two associated optional text boxes, student2 name and student2 Grade.

If the first optional text box is populated dstudent2 name], how do I make sure the associated text box xstudent2 grade] becomes required.?


Conditional field would work here. A conditional field in DocuSign is a form field that is configured to appear or behave based on certain conditions being met. These conditions are typically defined by the sender when designing the document or form within the DocuSign interface. For example, a conditional field might only appear if a specific checkbox is selected or if certain data is entered into another field. This functionality allows for dynamic and interactive documents that adapt to the user's input.

 Conditional fields through UI & API


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Thank you Sai!

It worked perfectly :)

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Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   

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