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How do I create a formula to auto-fill a name or SSN every time is asked for on a form? I have several forms within a template that ask for the same info and I'd like the signer to only have to enter it once and it auto-fills everywhere else.

Hi​ . Great question. If I understand what you're trying to accomplish, you can do this by naming the data label on the text fields the same name. For example, if you name the data label on the first text field for a SSN, "SSN1", every subsequent text field you name "SSN1" will auto-populate what was typed in the first field. DocuSign will even indicate when you have more than one field with the same name. I attached some screen-shots for you so you can see the set-up. Hope this helps?

Template Set Up View. Both Text Fields have Data Labels "SSN1"

Text Fields on Template

Signer / Results View:

Signer View
