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Hi everyone

I’m integrating the embedded signing and once I generate the URL by calling recipient view API and launch it on the browser I see the name that I set in my account on the header of the view which is below to “Please review & act on these documents” also I would like to know how to change the avatar photo that appears too. I tried to set up the branding configuration but I could update the company name and DocuSign logo only.

I attached a screenshot hiding the Name that appears.


Thanks in advance.



If I am not mistaken the picture and the name are taken from the user account that is the envelope sender. Therefore, updating those details in the user profile of the sender and adding a picture there should be the solution here.

Have you checked out “Focused view” that is available since October 2023? It will remove the entire heading and offers a more seamless user experience for the embedded signing.

DocuSign Embedded Signing - Focused view

Request Signature Focused View - How-to guide

Many thanks for your answer @Michael.Rave. I will take a look at focused view
