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Is there a way to share just one envelope with a person rather than having to share your entire folder? We have situations where a sales rep wants to follow the status of the envelope but they do not need to sign the document or receive a copy. They just want to know where it is in the process. We do not want to share the entire folder because the sender sends other stuff (some of which is confidential) throughout the state and and we don't want the rep to be able to see those. Does anyone know of a way to share only certain envelopes with someone?

Envelope Sharing as a DocuSign feature is an All or Nothing, so if DocuSign User A has envelopes shared with DocuSign User B then DocuSign User B can see all envelopes. So that option does not work for your scenario.

You also denoted you do not want to add them as either a Carbon Copy, Needs to Sign or other recipient actions I assume, even Needs to View, hence that removes those options.

Outside of the above there is no way, to my knowledge, to provide access to the envelope status to another DocuSign User in your DocuSign Account.

I would suggest creating a DocuSign feature request for individual envelope sharing.

Thanks for getting back to me. If we add them as carbon copy they would just get the final executed contract, is that correct? And if we used needs to view they would be required to at least open it, is that correct? I don't believe either of those options would give them visibility as to the status of the document (ie. who still needs to sign etc.), which is why we do not think those will work. Thanks, 

Carbon Copies can be added at any location in your workflow....they get the document based on where they are placed, so in this example they receive the document after the first Recipient has signed or taken action. They would not get another email even after completion of the envelope.

Recipient 1 - Needs to Sign

Recipient 2 - Carbon Copy

Recipient 3 - Needs to Sign

Recipient 4 - Needs to Sign

Yes, a Needs to View, needs to open the document and select "Close"

Incorrect, I did a test with Needs to View as the 2nd Recipient and saw the entire process after I viewed the document. So again it depends on where in the workflow you add that Recipient as to what they are going to see. If you add the Needs to View as Recipient 1 and then 3 more Recipients as Needs to Sign, they see the entire status of the envelope.
