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What I am trying to accomplish is preventing our CFO from receiving a document if the pre-approval process declines an application. Our signing order goes like this:

  1. Originator - Fills out the form and submits to the borrower
  2. Borrower - Reviews and signs all related fields
  3. Borrower 2 - This signer is removed if there i only one applicant during the signing order process but, has the same type fields to complete if there is a co-borrower.
  4. Approver - This is the internal approval process and will approve or decline the application. Current practice is to decline to sign so the CFO doesn't have to see the document but, the fields they complete for the declination are saved blank and is a regulatory hit to not have the decline reason documented.
  5. CFO - Final approval IF original approval is given. Otherwise in current practice if declined the CFO will not receive the document as it is declined to sign.
  6. Servicing - RECEIVES A COPY no other action required within docusign.

The goal I want to achieve is when the approver stage is underway, we want all the data to stay in the form when it is declined so we can save the document with the reasons why it was declined instead of having to save the email that is sent to the originator when using the decline to sign button because that is an extra step that will cause issue if they don't remember to save the document in our cloud storage.

I understand the situation, basically as soon as you "decline" an envelope in the Approver stage the data entered into any field in not committed to the document. My resolution would be to have the Approval done in two stages, and it could be the exact same Recipient name and email address.

So right now let's say Recipient 4 is Approval Stage 1, they add a reason for accepting or declining DocuSign text field), then it routes back to that same person call it Approver Stage 2, here they either select "Approve" or "Decline" buttons only. If Approved it moves to CFO, if declined it voids the contract but because the reason was added under Approver Stage 1, that information was committed and hence present in the envelope document. Adds an additional action to the Approver but fits the Use Case.

I like this answer and it adds a very minimal step to the same approver. Thanks for the help!
