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How can I combine existing templates?

Welcome to the community,

You can apply multiple templates while sending an envelope. But there is currently, no out of the box feature to merge templates.

However, I have seen two workarounds. 

1. Re-purpose one of the Templates

You can save some time by working off of one of the templates, adding the tags and documents of the other template, and Saving as a new template.

You can do this by 

1. Open one of the Templates that you want to merge, (Start with the template that took the longest to create) and change the Template Name.

2. In the template setup screen, add the document, and recipients of the template you would like to merge. 

3. Select Next 

4. You will also need to add the tags from the other template.

5. Select "Go Back" at the bottom. 

6. Select Save template as.... at the bottom of the page.

A new template will be created with the same documents and tags as the 1st template, but will also have all the contents that you added from the  2nd template. 

It is not ideal, but you wil save some time not having to recreate one of the templates. 

2. Combine the Template XML. 

If you are familiar with XML and DocuSign Schem and Arrrays, you can download, combine and then upload the merged template XML files. Learn more in our Guides. 

-( Downloading Template Files -( Uploading Template Files

 ** Please note that  templates that have bulk recipients cannot be downloaded.

I hope one of these work for you. 

Happy DocuSigning, 

