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Hi, Within our organisation we want junior members of the team to be able to create and upload documents but before these are sent for signature another member of the team must approve - this is for all docs. How is this achieved with esignature?

  • May 17, 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi, Within our organisation we want junior members of the team to be able to create and upload documents but before these are sent for signature another member of the team must approve - this is for all docs. How is this achieved with esignature?

Best answer by Community Expert


Thank you for reaching out to the DocuSign Community.

Your users can include the member of their team as a signer or an editor in the envelopes they create and set up a Signing Order. 

Setting a signing order on your envelope lets you control the order in which your recipients receive your documents. You can set up a simple sequential routing order, where each recipient receives the email notification once the previous recipient has completed their action.

That way the envelope won't be routed to your signers until after the member of the team approves the envelope. You can use or approve/decline fields. If need be the sender can go back and correct the envelope if the Approver believes something is missing or a correction needs to be made before sending it to the signer.

You can find more details on how to set up a signing order here: 

Add Recipients

Manager Recipients

Set a Signing Order

If you believe that you need further assistance, you can always create a Support Case to have a Support agent work with you.

If you are not able to open a  Customer Support case via the above link, you can scroll  down to More Support Options and select "I can't reset my password or don't have an account." you will have the option of filling out the form or calling Support.

Please click "Select as Best" below if you found the answer to be a valid solution to your issue. Thank you for using DocuSign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!

Best regards,

Rebeca | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Thank you for reaching out to the DocuSign Community.

Your users can include the member of their team as a signer or an editor in the envelopes they create and set up a Signing Order. 

Setting a signing order on your envelope lets you control the order in which your recipients receive your documents. You can set up a simple sequential routing order, where each recipient receives the email notification once the previous recipient has completed their action.

That way the envelope won't be routed to your signers until after the member of the team approves the envelope. You can use or approve/decline fields. If need be the sender can go back and correct the envelope if the Approver believes something is missing or a correction needs to be made before sending it to the signer.

You can find more details on how to set up a signing order here: 

Add Recipients

Manager Recipients

Set a Signing Order

If you believe that you need further assistance, you can always create a Support Case to have a Support agent work with you.

If you are not able to open a  Customer Support case via the above link, you can scroll  down to More Support Options and select "I can't reset my password or don't have an account." you will have the option of filling out the form or calling Support.

Please click "Select as Best" below if you found the answer to be a valid solution to your issue. Thank you for using DocuSign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!

Best regards,

Rebeca | DocuSign Community Moderator