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Hi - I have a document with a formula field in that adds up various number fields to get a total value.  I want to then add another formula that divides the total value by a number, is this possible can I do a formula off a formula? 

@Rob O'Dowd 

Yes, you can do a formula off a formula field in Docusign eSignature.

Thanks how do i do it? I am a novice when it comes to DocuSign. I have managed to create the formula that adds up all the months but then need a separate formula to show the grand total dived by 12. 

@Rob O'Dowd 

It is the same way that you added up all the months. Remember the data label from the formula and simply enter it in the second formula field. If the first formula has a data label called “MonthSum” then the second formula would be: dMonthSum] /12


Thank you I will give it a go 


Thank you I will give it a go 


That worked thank you 

Hi @Rob O'Dowd,


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