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Hi - I don’t seem to have access to seeing Voided envelopes anywhere in my system. How can I search by Envelope ID number, or do I have to have an Add-on from DocuSign in order to do so. I can see them if they were sent in a bulk email, but not if they were sent as a Single addressee.

Thanks - Jane

@Windmill A few questions.

  1. Was the envelope sent from your Account?
  2. Are you a DocuSign Admin in your account?
  3. Was the envelope sent to a User in your Account?

Generally speaking if you were a Recipient or the Sender of that now “voided” envelope, you can go to your Sent (Sender) or your Inbox (Recipient) and select the dropdown for filters, make sure the timeframe includes the time the envelope would have been sent and paste the Envelope ID into the Search.  The search can locate envelopes by Envelope ID.  If you are a DocuSign Admin but not the Sender or a Recipient but those Users are on your account you could used the Shared Envelopes feature to share yourself with that User and then search that Users Inbox.  Also on the filters there is a Status that could be set as “voided” but the Envelope ID should do the trick. 

There are several problems I foresee if this was not Sent from your Account and the Recipient deleted that envelope on your Account side then the best action would be to look through Reports but you definitely would need to be a DocuSign Admin to be able to go through Reports to find the envelope.

Hi - Yes, the envelope was sent from my Account by myself. I am the DocuSign Admin for this account as well. The recipient is not a user in my account. I am able to see the document in reports, but I am unable to access it to see it in it’s voided state. Both addresses had signed.

Hope this helps  - Jane

@Windmill I would suggest first checking your “Sent” folder under Manage then go to custom folders if any were created to house completed envelopes and Search. IF the envelope was accidentally deleted from Sent then it would go into the Deleted folder but only for a limited 24 hours.  IF it was deleted days ago, the only historical record would be in the Recipient Inbox or in Reports.

Definitely not anywhere under manage. Is there any way to “open” it from Reports?



@Windmill Best you can do in Reports is locate the envelope and add Columns which could expand upon the data in the envelope.  You cannot open the contents of the envelope form a Report.

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