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How would you approach the objective of (1) routing a document (project thesis) for review/signoff to approx 15 team members and then (2) obtaining their feedback on the project (via a separate standard feedback form) by asking for their identification of potential issues, risks, and opportunities.  These documents would then be immediately routed to the project leader upon each team member's submission of feedback.  

Curious if such a use case could/should be addressed via docusign template or other?

@bob80127 There are a few questions on whether this is something that one envelope would accomplish with over 15 Recipients or if each set of signoff and feedback should be a unique envelope. The amount of data and the fact that many Recipients would see the feedback from other Recipients is an important detail.  I would likely approach it from a 15 individual envelope standpoint like we do internally with certain evaluations.  Therefore a Template would be useful in having the document and structure/workflow setup for each review/signoff and subsequent feedback.  So each Team member would be sent an envelope in which they then provide the review, over to the proj.lead, then potentially back to the team member for feedback.

Thx David… really appreciate the response!! Your points are absolutely valid in this use case. My initial thoughts were also leading me toward your solution of using unique envelopes for each recipient to capture their feedback.

I was just curious (wishful) if I had missed an alternative solution - via the use of a single envelope for all recipients 🙂

@bob80127 A single envelope would get messy and there would be potential for holdup based on Recipients who are slower (lazier) then others  So if you created one envelope and had 15 Recipients adding feedback into individual text fields then you have to wait til all 15 are done with that specific action before it moves on to the Proj Leader. With individual envelopes I think there would be less hassle and less investigation and prodding of Recipients holding up a process.

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